Sunday, May 29, 2011

Try and Keep Up

I feel like there are a million things happening every second, it's hard to keep up, but I'll try.
* Taj graduated from preschool. Again. 
He absolutely loved being a part of Sunshine Preschool again and asks if he can go everyday. We are so grateful to the gifted Lori, a.k.a. Mrs. Waddel. She has a gift. I feel lucky she's been a part of Taj's life.

* We made Silly Puddy (rad stuff- let me know and I'll pass the recipe along). I left the kids to play while feeding Olivia. Lesson learned. It did come out after a lot of soap and scrubbing. 

 This little peach is all sunshine. Seriously. Sweetness. She's walking tons. I teared up when she wiggled off my lap after nursing and walked herself out of the room. All by herself. I'm so proud, and a little sad too. She's proud and excited, which makes me happy.
Eden is a ray of sunshine too. She and Taj have become the best of friends. They can play and play and get really wild. It's a new side of them, which is fun to watch develop. It's good. Until it's bad. They can't just do anything- everything is a game. And they get loud. But they help each other a lot. Help each other remember rules. Help come up with game ideas. Help each other do whatever it is they were asked to do. It's pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You good Mama- I am proud of you and your beautiful kids. Just a good example to me of a great mom. :)