Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Goals and Patience

When it comes to making and following through with goals, I really hope the kids take after Micah. When he says he's going to do something, he'll do it. And that's that. I, on the other hand, have been known to say many things I have no intention of following through with, or worse, just plain give up on. I'm getting a little better (thanks to the example of an amazing Micah).

Taj is proving to be a little more like Micah. He decided he needed to have a new Bakugan. To get the needed Bakugan he was going to have to earn and save some money. After a lot of car washes, laundry, dishes, taking out the trash, and other helpful acts he finally earned the money! When we saw that he had saved enough money he thought we would drop everything and drive the 2 hours round trip to get his Bakugan. That wasn't going to work. He took a deep breath and we made a plan. Micah could take him the next day after work. Taj is an analytical type. He knew it was the best we could do and was very excited. The morning of the drive into town I found the boys slippers layed out and ready for them when it was time to go get the Bakugan. After they got back Taj told me that the best part was that he got to do something alone with Daddy. I'm so proud.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I quickly googled Bakugan and now I'm in the know! haha So precious that that's what he worked so hard for! What a great lesson. See, you are patient. You had to sit by and make sure he worked for it and found a time to go get it. Way to go :)