Last Thursday we got the kids to sleep early. We cleaned the kitchen, swept, and were on our way to the couch to detox. Micah and I were tired. Tired of the same old routine, both getting over sore throats and colds, and just plain drained from the day. This is when a little birdie (you know who you are) tipped us off that there was a Tsunami watch.
I think the first thing I felt was annoyed. I know, shame on me. Believe me, after seeing the footage of Japan I felt horrible and immediately repented. We turned on the news and searched the Internet hoping to find something that would let us get back to our unwinding, but instead we found ourselves worried and planning our next move.
Last year about this same time there was an earthquake in Chile and we were sent through a Tsunami Warning/evacuation situation, but this had a totally different feel. It was late at night, for starters. I hope to NEVER have to wake up my children to get them to safety again. It was very surreal. I felt all my protective Motherly instincts, as well as overwhelming love, fear of the unknown, great responsibility, and such closeness to these little helpless and trusting souls. Like I said before, seeing the footage from Japan definitely shook us. We knew that we were blessed with the opportunity to get to high grounds, and so many others didn't.
We let the kids sleep while we packed our meager supplies. Our plan was to get to Central Oahu where roads wouldn't be washed out, there would be no panic and lots of supplies (if it came to that). We wanted to find a quiet and dark place to park and convert our Honda Pilot into a tent. If there was any question before, it's been answered.... all 5 Smiths, even the huge one, can fit and sleep in our car at the same time. The kids were AMAZING! Seriously, all sweetness. I think they actually enjoyed the adventure. They were smiling sweetly the entire time. They loved sleeping so snugly with Mom and Dad. Olivia slept soundly in her car seat, even through the loud siren that went off a couple more times through the night.
We all woke up around 6 15 and as we started to stretch out Olivia did too and tooted. We all started cracking up, and it was solidified... we are a family. I was touched by how helpful, trusting, and excited the kids were about the whole adventure. I was blown away (once again) by Micah's natural talent for hard work without complaining and even with love and making the experience a great family memory. It went smoothly, thanks to him.
We are so immensely grateful we were able to drive home in the morning and sleep in our bed that night. Thousands of people in Japan wont be able to do that for who knows how long.
We learned a lot that night. Micah and I did our same nightly routine tonight, and are very tired, but there was something different as I plopped down on the couch at the end of our day. It's too bad it takes things like this to give me perspective.