Friday, March 4, 2011

This Little Girl

It's hard for me to remember that Eden is only three. Maybe it's because of how confident she is in who she is already. She knows what she likes, and that's the way it is.

Maybe it's the way she taddles because she knows what's right and what's wrong. Maybe it's the little language she's created: she shortens everything like, "can I have some cheese peets" instead of pizza, or instead of "thank you and your welcome", it's "thank", and "welk." You get the idea. It's very catchy.

Maybe it's the way she says prayers lately, thanking Heavenly Father specifically for Olivia first, then everyone else and chairs and things like that. Maybe it's her new joke that goes: "I have really bad news Mom." By this point she's cracking up. I act all concerned here and she says "I love you!" Where does she come up with this stuff?

Maybe it's how proud she is of being in gymnastics class and in Primary with the big kids. She's a great little student and follows instructions. Unfortunately, she has her Mommy's body type... gymnastics might not work out long term, but we'll see :) She loves it. As for the Taj... he loves it too.
Shenanigans, I tell you.
Thanks (or I guess I should say "thank") for asking me to go with you to your gym class today. I loved it, and I love you.

1 comment:

betsy said...

look at those toes! she looks like a natural in that leotard!