Monday, November 8, 2010

When Did This Happen?

One of the great things about coming home is seeing people I've known my whole life. It's great and not so great though. Sometimes seeing people from my childhood reminds me of what a dumdum I was, and still am at times. I get a little embarrassed thinking about it. Oh, the awkward years were long and VERY awkward.

It's really fun to see friends from forever ago with their families and see how much we've changed/ grown up. This SNL video of "Mom Jeans" cracks me up because for some of us it's oh so true. Maybe I need me some new jeans to be totally grown up. I'm still learning.


liko said...

you totally do not need new jeans, i bet you can still fit the ones you wore in HS.
we are all still learning, though. totally!

Amy said...

that clip was hilarious. I feel like that is what I've been wearing since I still can't fit back into my prepregnancy jeans yet. Too funny!