Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Taj Lately

Maybe it's just me or my kids, but I swear some days I wake up to find the kid I put to bed is gone and a new version of them woke up. After a month in Hawaii we've definitely got new versions of our kids. I'll start with Taj (our fish). He has gone off the deep end a little with the Lego's. Seriously, I wonder if there's a point where I should cut him off. He creates amazing spaceships and scenarios that really impress me, but would probably play with them all day if I let him. He and Eden share a room now, and love it for the most part. We set up a tent for Taj on his bed and he has camp outs every night. He really wants to take karate classes. Might be good to have an environment where it's ok to wrestle/punch/kick... He's not violent, but he's a boy. While he loves to play fight he is the sweetest, snuggliest little guy. I get I love you's and kisses all day. He and Olivia have a special love. They smile and cuddle so sweetly. I love seeing how grown up my first baby is next to my little 4 month old.

Taj missed the kindergarten cut off in Utah because his birthday is in September. I thought about getting him in school now that we're in Hawaii, but can't get myself to do it. There are lots of reasons why, but mostly I don't want the world to have him yet. While I encourage growth and learning we are in no hurry for him to grow up. It happens too quickly and once it does there's no going back. Might be a little selfish, but with the crazy stuff out there in the world maybe this extra year will give him a little more maturity and experience to know how to deal with it. I wish there was some way to be able to know how each decision will effect our kids down the road. For now we will love our time together. And we do.


Ashleigh said...

i totally agree with you. It does feel that one night you put your babies to bed and the next morning they wake up older. Also I feel the same way about school. I want to keep my kiddos home with me as long as I can they grow up too fast once real school comes.
Chamberlain says cool tent Taj.

What a fun fun place you guys are at.
Mele Kalikimaka!

Kahilau said...

I am with you too. This age from 4-6 has been HUGE for Ezra, a different kid everyday it feels like. We put Ezra into to school when he was almost 6 (Utah cut off) and it has been such a blessing. I volunteer in his class and the youngest kids in the class are really struggling. Enjoy your time. Taj is amazing and so are you!

liko said...

that was the hardest aspect of the whole school thing for me, too - they were now going to be in the hands of the school system for the majority of their lives from here on out.
so sad.
you could homeschool.
i was tempted to.
and he and malik can be lego buddies.