Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Totally Worth It

My little boy turned 4 years old yesterday. I'm still in shock. After all those moments of daydreaming of having older kids and how nice that would be, I have a four year old.
We had a transformers themed birthday party where the kids had to find clues to find the Decepticon (bad guy) and destroy him to save the party. The kids were great. They totally played along while we sharpened our warrior skills doing obstacle courses and target practice.
Bumble bee guarded the Decepticon pinata that we destroyed.They had to complete the obstacle coarse to receive part of the Allspark.
The cake was the hardest part of the party- most time consuming anyway. Once we knew the kind of cake we wanted to make there was no turning back. Micah found some recipes for the fondant and cake, then we went for it. After a few nights, and even one staying up until 3am we made it, and it was totally worth it.

The huge Micah sized Bumble bee was Micah's baby and awesome! I have the most talented husband, and I'm amazed at the determination he has to completing projects well. While I'm ready to say things are good enough, he's coming up with ways to improve it. I hope Taj gets that from his Dad.

We are so proud of Taj. He's always trying to make us laugh and always willing to help us out. He's very obedient and smart. He approaches things very thoughtfully. Lately he's been riding his bike while I run with Eden in the stroller. He's loving the new freedom and Woohoo-ing on his way down every hill. I love it! He's also stepped into his role as big brother more lately. He talks with Eden and "reads" to her. They've been coming up with new Taj and Eden games. He's a sweet heart too, always telling me he loves me. Eden has had her first time outs this last week and Taj snuck over to her to try to help her calm down and feel better. He's amazing. I love being his Mommy.


liko said...

WOW!!!that whole party looks awesome! and that cake -- well, it takes the cake!!

Melanie said...

you guys are awesome parents! what a great birthday for taj! trust me, he will remember it and bring it up the way the rest of the smith clan brings up their great times!

ashley said...

umm, amazing cake my friend. that looks sooo good!
4? it went by so fast!

and you have to love the older siblings helping the lil ones. it's the best!

Bailey said...

All I have to say is you guys throw the greatest birthday parties I've ever seen! That cake is amazing! What a lucky kid.

Mariko said...

Taj is so cool. I wish he could be Amaya's big brother too.
(she'd probably be better behaved, at the very least.)

Love that cake and bumblebee. Micah is supercalifragilistic.

Helen said...

Wow! What a party! Taj is a great kid!

heidi said...

wowza! what a party, cake and huge micah-sized transformer. I still remember the pirate theme last year. definitely unforgettable.

Amy said...

So fun. That is an awesome cake. Seriously--like jaw dropping good! You guys are amazing parents.

Patria said...

ok genius party scheme and you're a pro cake maker! how fun- love to you guys!

Ash said...

Reef would have LOVED that party! He is so into Transformers! Reef is going to be Bumblebee for Halloween! What fun for Taj!