Sunday, August 31, 2008

More Perfect Days

Being a Mom/activities coordinator I am constantly trying to think up fun things to do. At the top of my list is always go beach. Being in Utah hasn't been able to rid me of that, but has made the time here so so soooooo special for me. Ashley Moffat, another beach enthusiast Mom, has been amazing at putting together little (and sometimes very big) outings. The kids wear each other out, and the adults get a chance to talk and play in the most beautiful place in the world. Taj and Velzy (Ashley's little girl) have become quite fond of each other, and I couldn't be happier. I'm also glad that we haven't been blacklisted for living on the mainland for so long.
Taj absolutely loves it here, and I love sharing it with him.
*Pictures stolen from Ashley and Liko. Apparently I'm so excited about being here that I don't remember things like camera's anymore.


liko said...

haha, i've had lots of moments when i forget my camera, or i have it with me and regret NOT using it -- i don't mind photo "sharing" in the least. see you at our net beach day -- 'blacklisted'?? i think that you have a warmer welcome when you have been gone and missed. :-)
p.s. for a looong time i was a loner mom with my kids at the beach, i am so glad to have met all these other moms who want to do fun things together. it keeps me sane and happy.

Kari said...

Very cute pictures! Can you just come home so I can stop being so jealous?! I want to come play with you and Ashley, too!!

ashley said...

ha, steal as many pics as you want. i will make you a dvd with all of them so you can have some incase yours for some reason don't come out!

Kahilau said...

Sometimes Mike will says (after working the yard or if we are bored) hey, lets go to the beach and then get malasadas! GRRRRRRRRR, how homesick am I? What a great idea to all meet at the beach and play? Great pics and great memories!