Friday, May 23, 2008

What About Mom?!

Micah has entered what we call "the busy season". I get a few hours with him in the evening and Sundays. Poor Micah. It really is a long summer for him.
After reading a post from Ashley about needing a day off from her kids I started to think about what I'm doing for me to make sure I can get through the summer without a meltdown. Here are a few things I'm doing for me:
  • Yoga! For the last three weeks Nana has taken the kiddo's on Wed. mornings while I get to go to a yoga class! Yoga is something from L.B.K. (Life Before Kids) which I loved and never really got back, until now. It's a great class, and although I'm rusty at best, I love it. Thanks Nana.
  • I was given a gift certificate for an hour long massage and have been saving it for a rainy day. I plan to dust it off sometime this summer to give myself a break.
  • Today is the first day of my Noni experiment. I've heard wonderful things about it for years now, so here I go. I'll write about my findings, if any. I figure that I need a boost in my health now while I don't get many breaks.
  • Gardening. A lot of people garden around here and say that it's therapeutic. So far I'm thinking that maybe the people talking about it weren't mom's, but I'm not giving up yet.

So what are you mom's doing out there for yourselves? Blogging? Putting the kids down for naps? Hopefully something to keep the meltdowns for the two year olds.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rockets and Fire knives

Any one in the parenting biz would probably say that it takes a lot of creativity to keep everyone entertained and happy- including the parents.
The other night we got Taj all pumped for the aquarium, but when we got there it was closed for a private party. Taj handled the news like a champ so we started to head towards Boondocks to play and reward him. You guessed it, we got turned away there too. Plan C was the Mayan. It's a restaurant, I mean adventure, designed to feel and look like you're entering a Mayan ruin, then eating in a giant tree. While you eat there are divers and fire knife performers. The pic. up top shows Taj with his fire knifes glued to the show.
Got a rocket from grandma that actually shoots into the air about thirty feet with a control panel and everything. Did I mention it's powered by water?
Hours of fun.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Pictures

All my Mom wanted for Mother's Day was some new pictures of the kiddies.
Being "frugal" I tried to a little photo shoot.... harder to do with a two year old than I thought.

Here are some other pictures from lately that I really enjoy. I heart warm weather!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What Day Is It?

I know it's Mother's Day, but I can't help but think about my Daddy today. Anyone that knew him would understand. My Dad made a fuss over Mom's on Mother's Day; his mom, the mother of his kids, widows, and other people that were like moms to his children.
One of his specialties that became a Mother's Day tradition was to make chocolate covered strawberries... tons of chocolate covered strawberries. It was an all day event ending in dipping everything we could find.
I still dip strawberries in chocolate every Mother's Day for my Mom, but I mostly think about my Dad while I do it.

Friday, May 9, 2008

My new ride

I guess I'm a great mom, cuz look at what my kids got me for Mother's Day! Ha. I have to laugh because what kind of person first choses to have kids then makes them give them presents for being their mom. I wont go any further into the complicated thoughts I get, but I will tell you that I love my new ride. I think the best thing is that Taj has asked me to go on bike rides with him, him on his bike and me on mine, three times already. Such a sweetie. I LOVE being a mom and am blown away at how blessed I am to have such beautiful and sweet children. Motherhood rocks.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Life's a garden. Dig it!"

I'm sure you can guess what the tub looked like after we were done with him.
Here are a few pictures from around the house. I know it's probably a little obsessive to take pictures of flowers. I guess I'm just a little excited that it's warm enough for these beautiful creations to grow.

Roll with the punches... or the poopies

This cute little sundress is a result of a classic Mommy situation. We went out to the mall, I know I said I was done with the mall, but when in need of a new dress you do certain things.... So we just got to the mall. Micah and Taj went straight for the escalator, so I got the stroller ready for Eden. As I am putting her into the stroller I noticed something yellow on my arm-not my shirt luckily. Then I noticed something yellow all down her pants. Then I noticed the smell. Eden had what's called in the biz, "a blowout." When this happens at home, no problem. I wasn't at home. I realized that the backup outfit in my bag was a 0-3 month p.j. thing that hasn't fit since Christmas. Luckily I was at the mall. Instead of taking myself shopping we went shopping for Eden. Once we got her and my arm all cleaned up it was my turn. I wonder if she'll use tricks like this when she's older.
p.s: The Gap has some really great stuff right now.