Sunday, May 4, 2008

Roll with the punches... or the poopies

This cute little sundress is a result of a classic Mommy situation. We went out to the mall, I know I said I was done with the mall, but when in need of a new dress you do certain things.... So we just got to the mall. Micah and Taj went straight for the escalator, so I got the stroller ready for Eden. As I am putting her into the stroller I noticed something yellow on my arm-not my shirt luckily. Then I noticed something yellow all down her pants. Then I noticed the smell. Eden had what's called in the biz, "a blowout." When this happens at home, no problem. I wasn't at home. I realized that the backup outfit in my bag was a 0-3 month p.j. thing that hasn't fit since Christmas. Luckily I was at the mall. Instead of taking myself shopping we went shopping for Eden. Once we got her and my arm all cleaned up it was my turn. I wonder if she'll use tricks like this when she's older.
p.s: The Gap has some really great stuff right now.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

She is one smart baby girl! She knows when to blowout for the most benefit. James on the other hand chose to blowout as we were walking into church on Sunday. Holy cow she is cute!