Friday, October 28, 2011

Big Wonderful Mystery

I have no idea what makes a kid refuse to eat or do certain things, but want to do other things. I don't think the kid even knows why they chose to do or not do that thing. Maybe it's the way we offer, or the timing, or maybe it's just my reaction to their decision. I try to be grown up and support their decisions and not let my emotions get mixed in, but that can be really hard to do.

For no explicable reason this week Taj and Eden have decided they LOVE to surf with Micah. Eden's gone 3 times this week and Taj once, but is pumped for tomorrow after school. He was arguing with Eden about who gets to go first tomorrow and would only respond to us with the word "Surf" for the last 5 minutes before bed. I guess I shouldn't analyze it too much (as I always do) and just enjoy it while it lasts.

I promised Taj I'd get pictures of him tomorrow. I'm so proud.

Olivia is my little buddy. I love this picture of her taking my hand and showing me something special to her. We've been walking around a lot like this and I can't stop smiling about it. I'm such a lucky Mom.


liko said...

so awesome and fun!! wish they could stay little, cute, and fun forever!

Stephanie said...

Precious! I wish my boys would be that brave. Maybe someday. It is a wonderful mystery! :)

Megan and Keli'i said...

Too cute. I'm with Liko- I wish they could still little forever. And I know Keli'i and I aren't the best examples, but I love that Aiken loves to surf and my other kids love the ocean and aren't afraid of it. It makes me happy.

Go Eden and Taj and how cute is that photo of Olivia!?