It's crazy around here, but wonderful. I remember how crazy it was when Eden was born and thinking we might have ruined everything. Those moments never lasted though and now Taj and Eden are the best of friends. Taj gets Eden her gummy vitamins in the morning. Eden gets Taj his toothbrush. They got their first tag team time out a couple days ago, and while it wasn't fun I was marking down in the book of Smith as a first and like that they have each other.
whenever the "newbies" show up, life is harder and you wonder "why did I think it was so hard to have ONE? (and now) TWO"? but you never ever want to send them back! :)
this makes me really nervous... But I'm relieved to hear that it doesn't last. Olivia is such a doll!
feel free to do a post (just for my sake) that says "life with three is easy peasey. especially when it comes to getting out of the house and to where we need to go on time" that would make me feel a tad less nervous ;)
love the last picture of livy (is that what your going to call her? i am) in the tub, she looks so at home in the water already!
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