Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Oh boy

So Olivia has a spitting up problem. I think it's a problem, but my other two never spit up so... I'm needing comfort, info, insight of any kind. Can it be stopped? Am I doing something wrong here? Anyone? Beuller?


Testing said...

Are you drinking milk and she's reacting to the lactose? Some babies just have a bad reaction to what their moms eat- could be anything. Eliminate something and see if it helps (one at a time), or maybe she's just one of those very spit-up babies, I've had some like that.

Oh, and you still have my old blog listed- my current is pierceohana.blogspot.com

Linsey said...

One of mine didn't and one of my didn't. It wasn't a reaction to anything and we just had to wait it out. If you're lucky, it will be an easy fix. Otherwise, invest in some receiving blankets to serve as burp cloths and good luck.

Stephanie said...

Ambrose spit up a lot and Asher didn't, but Ambrose seemed to react badly when I had any dairy for like the first four or so months of life so maybe colic? But who knows. You might just need to take her in to ease your mind. I always feel pretty good about my babies if they are pooping and peeing and gaining weight all at a normal rate though - so if she is doing all that and sleeping ok then she's fine and she just likes to spit up. :)

Stephanie said...

Ambrose spit up a lot and Asher didn't, but Ambrose seemed to react badly when I had any dairy for like the first four or so months of life so maybe colic? But who knows. You might just need to take her in to ease your mind. I always feel pretty good about my babies if they are pooping and peeing and gaining weight all at a normal rate though - so if she is doing all that and sleeping ok then she's fine and she just likes to spit up. :)

Carli said...

ya, Liam had a spit up problem. He was diagnosed with acid reflux and I bought a nap nanny! LOOK IT UP!! It is an awesome bed thing that helps them to sleep upright. The Dr. also put him on zantac. good luck!

heidi said...

i will email you if i can find your address...

Bailey said...

Scout had a spitting up problem. It ended up being Acid Reflux. A lot of my friends babies had this too so I think it is really common. Her doctor had her sleep at an incline (I just put books under one end of her crib) and then prescribed her zantac drops. It cleared it right up.

Jeff and Eliza said...

Rozzi started spitting up pretty bad around 2 months and stopped around 7 months. All I can say is buy a hundred burp cloths or you will be doing laundry 4 times a week! I have a friend who spent the first 8 months of her baby's life on the couch surrounded by towels because it was so bad!

ashley said...

vz was a spitter upper, not cool. it might have made me cry a few times after taking so much time to feed her and then see it all spewed out in her crib. i brought her in and the dr said she was gaining good weight and not to worry about it. as long as she is not super irritated/grumpy/crying just spittin up is alright. some kids just do it a lot. one thing my dr did say was that he can't really tell me to put her to sleep on her stomach, but that that helps kids who spit up a lot. both v and i slept on their tummies from pretty young. the prop one end of her crib up is a good idea too, we did that also.

good luck jill. newborns are so hard to read and know what do to!

Kahilau said...

Mine are all spitters, not all the time, but often enough that I was concerned, at least with Ezra. I was told that it was no big deal. Some people say it is allergies, I waited it out and as they got older it stopped. It is awfully frustrating but yeah, my advice, be prepared for it so it doesn't make such a mess and wait it out.

Meg said...

Indie spit up tons, so I was hoping Tosh wouldn't, but he does too. Not quite as much volume as Indie, but pretty often. Indie stopped when we started feeding her solids, so I hope for the same with Tosh. Good luck!

Mariko said...

Mozer spits up a bit (Amaya didn't at all) and I read a lot about the subject. There are different kinds of spit up. The question is-- does it seem to hurt her? Is it just liquidy or is it chunky? If she's upset about it (crying) and it's chunky it can be related to diet and/or acid. If it's liquidy and not hard for her to get out it's probably air bubbles that get beneath the milk or slight overeating. For Moze it's def that. I try to burp him a lot during the feeding and that helps but if he keeps falling asleep like he does usually he will never burp and then spits up a lot.
If she's not colicky she's prob fine. It's just very annoying. I like diaper cloths for spit up.