Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To the Rescue!

I woke up sick this morning. Everything from my shoulders up ache, but as a Mom, there's no such thing as a sick day-boo. My Mom called and hearing me try to talk (my voice is sick too) she said she'd be by at 4 to take the kids off my hands. We were all very very excited about this, even Eden who is really not into anything unless Mom is nearby. So after resting on the couch I'm on the computer. Awe. Hear that? That is the sound of my body resting and healing. I think my Mom will need a few days of rest and healing after this.


Kahilau said...

Awwww, that makes me miss my mom! Our whole family has been sick for a week now and it BITES! I am so happy for you that she was able to give you that break. Love moms!

ashley said...

hope your feeling better! sick mommies are not happy ones!

Megan and Keli'i said...

Hope you're feeling better! Being a sick mom is terrible. But, so fun that you have your mom nearby! I'm officially jealous!