Sunday, July 26, 2009

Little Guppies

Taj and Eden just finished their swim classes for the summer. Taj graduated from level one and Eden did a great job in Parent/Tot. We've done the classes every summer since we moved here to Utah and Taj was almost a year old. It's kind of a summer tradition now. What's so great is that the classes are everyday for a two week session, and while it's a commitment to get there everyday I can really see an improvement in their water awareness, skills, and willingness to try new things at the end of it. They loved getting certificates and going down the big slide on the last day. I'm tempted to do another session, but I think since the swimming weather is fleeting here we'll just play and explore the water while we can.

There were tons of sessions to chose from and I just so happened to chose one with Charlene Goo- another Laie Girl (in the non-gang sense). We had a great time catching up. At the end of the session she gave me her "Mommy Card." I've never heard of these, but it's brilliant. It's like a business card, and gives all the info: email, phone, blog, and the name of her kids. Clever, huh. She explained that it's easier to hand that to a mom than wait for them to find paper or their phone with the kids all around. I love it!

1 comment:

ashley said...

mommy card, that is classic. like a lil calling card, and with your kids names on it? so funny!

and good job on the swimming lessons. i should have been more on the ball and gotten my kids into them this year, but what can i say, i am not on the ball.

so, you guys should come down. the water is warm, we have lots of boards and i am serious about going camping. we are going to be gone as of the 20th of august for 2 weeks, but anything before or after would be great!