Thursday, April 3, 2008

I wish it felt more like spring; cleaning

Part One:

A few days after the Easter candy overload, while I was feeling particularly gross, I caught myself offering Taj "Easy Cheese" and crackers as a snack. I had a moment of self disgust. I remembered a recent negotiation I had with Taj that went something like, "You need one more bite of your chicken nugget before you can have french fries." As if the chicken nuggets were a better option. What and who had I become? Me, the ex-vegetarian that still insists that a salad is a full meal, and thinks that the raisins in raisin bran is a little too sugary for breakfast. I had hit rock bottom.

I took that moment in time as my wake up call. I've had a few of those moment in my life where something had to give. In this instance it was my eating habits, which directly effect the eating habits of my family, and the state of the organization in my house. I'm proud to say that since that moment I've begun a cleansing process. I've been eating way better... fewer Easter treats, and have done a major overhaul on the toys. They were accumulating way faster than I had places for them. They now all have homes which Taj has been happily returning them to after playing with. I know it's a long way back up, but I also know that I can't use my six month old as an excuse anymore. Rather, I need to use my children as part of my motivation.

Part Two:

Whenever I try to eat better, I become obsessed with food and cooking. New neighbors: I need to make cookies. In laws just back from a two day trip: invite them over for dinner. Saturday morning: make banana bread like my Dad used to. You get the idea. I don't think it's a bad thing. It shows that I am being more conscious about what is going into my body. I know that banana bread is not necessarily healthy, but it's not that bad either. It's one of my comfort foods. Please try this recipe and enjoy the comfort and wonder of good homemade love, I mean food.

Best Banana Bread

1 C. shortening or butter

2 C. Sugar (1 white, 1 brown)

4 C. flour (1/2 whole wheat, 1/4 wheat germ, or just reg. works fine as well)

2 tsp. baking soda

12 banana's (mashed well)

2-3 eggs

2/4 C. walnuts (optional)

2 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. salt

*Cream sugar, shortening and eggs first

* Bake at 325 degrees for 55 minutes or until done


Mariko said...

Woah. You feel like a salad is a full meal? And what exactly is in your salad? Bread? :)
Making food is therapeutic. Banana bread is so not bad. Cheeze whiz is an occasional misstep, but who hasn't eaten it? Motherhood is a balance of sanity and complete nutrition. Know what I mean? You're doing an amazing job. I can't believe how clean your house is, and you have way more stuff to clean than I do.

Kahilau said...

Spring Cleaning is the best once it is done!!! Oh and I can't wait to try your banana bread recipe, I have been looking for a good one. Mariko is totally right motherhood is all about the delicate balance that we all spend our whole lives striving for. You are an amazing mom. Way to go!!!!

heidi said...

good work--i seem to have those same types of moments after most holidays--probably because people push so much candy and treat-like food on us. i love to eat well and feel good too though. i feel like a better mom. definitely takes planning and organizing which it looks like you've got in the bag--where did you get those cool tubs for toys?

Smiths said...

Salads can be meals if you add some chicken or hard boiled eggs or cheese and tons on different veggies. It's definitely a balance of clean and fun and good food with yummy good food. I got the tubs at target last week and love them.