Friday, April 18, 2008

Growing Up!

My kids are growing up, and I love it! Don't get me wrong, new babies are wonderful, amazing, soft, cuddly, and just plain adorable. I just don't see growing up as a sad thing like some moms do. I love love love the fact that Taj and Micah plan outings together like golfing. It's not just taking his boy along either, it's doing stuff together now. It's the best! Eden has had a big week too. She is sitting up for minutes at a time on her own and cut her first tooth! I swear her sense of humor has grown up this week also. She's getting into peekaboo like never before. She's getting the whole object permanence thing, which makes going out of the room to use the bathroom for two seconds much easier. I love that the kids are growing up!


ashley said...

she is too cute!
i know what you mean about loving that they are growing up...babies are great, but it's mo bettah when dey be bigga.

Molly Malia said...

i love those golfing pictures!
i can't believe how big eden is getting! hey, it seems like jord has become a teenager over night... she tends to boss us around and has developed a new talent of 'sassing'... in her case, i wish the growing up process was a bit slower!
hey, sorry we missed you yesterday... i told kasey and he was bummed!

Bailey said...

Yay for Eden! It seems like her and Scout are on the same track! I think this age is so much fun. I feel like she learns something new every week. Eden has great hair. How fun for Micah to have a little buddy to golf and skate board with. Too cute!

heidi said...

i hear ya! its fun to do stuff with them and actually get a reaction back. i can't believe how long eden's hair is!?! wowza--i think i will have a bald girl too. yay for pony tails and stuff.

Meilani said...

I laughed so hard at your post about offering easy cheese to Taj. That was so funny. I'm glad you found my blog. I'm going to add you to mine so I can visit you more often.

Liz said...

wait, are those Ron's eyes?? my gosh, they're so blue! Fun she has Grandpa Ron as a guardian angel. What a charmed life you all have, Jill!

liko said...

jill - your family is beautiful!! i have read a lot of blogs and so i finally decided to start writing my own.

ThE RaSmUsSeN's said...

I love the pics of Micah and Taj!! How fun! I wish Leia and Eden could hang out, they'd have fun together!