Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here's to Mr. Fish

Taj was given a fish for his 2nd birthday from his friend Mia. He was really excited about him (we have to guess it was a him) joining the family. He had one before and we had to leave him with his four year old cousin while we went to California. Luckily Taj forgot about that fish because he wasn't around in the physical sense when we got home. I was a little apprehensive about another fish experiment, especially after warring off the kids at the birthday party.
Somehow Mr. Fish stayed with us for about three months until a week ago when I saw him floating listlessly. I shook the bowl and to my suprise he started swimming around with his one fin. Since that day he would only move when we fed him. Micah and I decided he'd had enough and after Taj went to bed we flushed the little guy. Allthough Taj hasn't noticed his absense, he is missed and will be remembered in this post. Here's to you Mr. Fish.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Well, he probably ended up in the ocean right?!?! That's what happens on Finding Nemo. I am glad I read this post, because I was thinking about getting Bennett a fish because of seeing Taj with his first fish. I think I will wait a few years.