Tuesday, January 31, 2012


There's a lot of silly things that go on in a day with these little people. I've learned that if I make plans they should be flexible because I can't predict when Olivia will want to use the bottle cap as her cup and be really really thirsty so you fill the cap up for her over and over and over, laughing and giggling with her. I think it has something to do with the water bottle, but ever since this Livi calls water "bobble". So precious. I'm glad I made time for this one.

 Here's another silly one. Eden is an artistic, crafty, creative type. She loves doing things with her hands. I love to let her, but with an 18 month old little projects get derailed quickly. When Eden wanted to paint the other day I let them go for it in the tub... washable paint and water are a mom's best friend. They loved it. They even loved the clean up- bathing and scrubbing the walls (and their painted bodies) with wash clothes. They come up with the funniest things. It's so worth those smiles.

1 comment:

heidi said...

ohhhh! good idea with the paints!! its one thing with the bigger kids but when you add in the littles--great idea!! so so cute