Sunday, August 14, 2011

"Just The Girls"

and a little Daddy.

We're still trying to get used to Taj being gone everyday. It's been an interesting transition so far. One surprise has been Eden's response. I thought that of coarse she would miss Taj. They've been together nonstop since she came along almost 4 years ago. I didn't expect her to be as thrown off as she is though. Without Taj to entertain her, she doesn't know what to do with herself. Going into this I've made a new routine for us: taj to school, girls go on a walk to the beach or pool or horses or somewhere fun. Then home for Livi's morning nap and Eden does her "home school", then lunch, then free play before nap. When she wakes up Taj is home and we're all back to good. So far she has loved the time with "just the girls" and LOVES school time. It was way overdue. She's been playing with Olivia a ton, which is great except Eden gets excited and really strong so it always ends with Livi getting hurt. Eden also gets to think about what she wants to do a lot more, which results in her asking me for things constantly and getting sidetracked by her new ideas. She gets bossy and throws fits and is trying to figure out how to act right, apparently. It's exhausting. I'm loving this one on one time with her. We needed it, but it's going to take some getting used to. I'm so done by the time nap time comes around. I guess we're all learning more about Eden as Eden and not as Eden and Taj. It's healthy, but tricky. I'm looking forward to the girl we end up with in a few weeks when the transition is worked out.

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

looks like you guys are settling in just fine. What a neat time to have with just the girls.