He told his Dad all about the ball that got past him in the goal. He loves being a goaly.
He had a great time in this class. While I learned that he might not be cut out for volleyball or badminton, he had fun getting out and running around.
Right next door to the Itty Bitty gym is the gymnastics class and Eden HAD TO TRY IT. She loved it, and so did Taj. He's sneaky and kept saying he was just helping her, then he would "show Eden" how to do the flips and back bends and bars. They both did great. I think dance is still her favorite, but she looked forward to her gymnastics class and can now do a summer salt!
I should be keeping busier, especially with the list I have while getting ready for Hawaii. Procrastinating is so much easier. I figure that if I don't do the sewing, online recipe book, cleaning, primary stuff, and just remember to pack a swimsuit for each of us and a few clothing items we're good. Hmmm. Wish us luck :)