Monday, December 10, 2007

Good Eaters

I've been lucky enough to have a husband that will eat just about anything I put in front of him and call a meal. I've been very blessed to have a little guy that takes after his dad. Taj has always been a great eater, and even with the healthy stuff. I think I'm boring him though because the other day while discussing what we'll have for lunch he says "Not meatballs mama. Not chicken nuggets today." Then says no to all my other go to foods. Ouch. I've become the one hit wonder in the kitchen. I am well aware of that, but my little Taj finally had it. Poor guy. I'm determined to spice it up (not too literally, I'm nursing). This smoothie recipe is a favorite so far:

Fruit/Veggie Smoothie
2 bananas (must have)
6-10 cubes of pineapple (or cantalope, grapes, ect.)
1 C. Frozen berries
7-10 slices zuccini (or cucumber, squash, ect.)
1 leaf kale (or any greens)
6-10 leaves of spinach
I wouldn't do broccoli or celery in any smoothie

You mom's have got to try it. Taj has no idea that the green stuff he's helping to put in the smoothie is really good for him.

1 comment:

Mariko said...

My baby is not a good eater, at all, but she likes my veggie smoothies alright. I'll have to try your recipe. The one we do is: 1 kiwi, 3-4 baby tomatoes, 1 carrot chopped (microwaved and covered for about 20 seconds), handful of spinach, half a banana, milk and a couple of ice cubes. It's surprisingly sweet. Jake prefers it without the tomatoes. Really, any smoothie with a handful of spinach doesn't change in taste at all.